In spite of the high development of the traditional medicine with her Folk compatible. Of course, in the case of any disease you must consult a doctor and get a full treatment, but there are such diseases, to cure that once and for all impossible. Osteochondrosis is one of one of them. Complementary medicine in this case, helps to combat the unpleasant symptoms, is prolonged Remission.

The possibilities of the domestic methods
What can you give us "grandma's recipes"? Amazing, but many, and first and foremost, it concerns the possibility to defeat the pain. In past centuries, when our ancestors only used when the pain Outpost surprised: bites of snakes, bees, and much more. To visit, of course, today, such methods of treatment already no one. But sometimes, even impossible, to imagine what the number of the products around us knitting technique!
The main advantage of the methods of treatment – no side effects. Synthetic drugs can not boast so, but you refuse the reception is not possible, because the treatment should be complex.
To osteochondrosis nothing heard from him constantly, and has no influence on the quality of life, to fight with him constantly:
- the observance of the regime of the day, the proper diet;
- regular physical movement;
- the intake of prescribed medication strictly according to instructions;
- in addition to traditional methods of therapy;
- Holiday on the orthopedic products.
Regardless of which home remedy you use, you will need to be agreed with the doctor. In spite of the fact that there are no side effects, not canceled contraindications and side effects.
How to heal bone use at home
In the Arsenal of traditional medicine, a variety of methods of treatment of various diseases. In the case of osteoarthritis useful, the use of compresses, lotions, decoctions, and tinctures, on the preparation of the individual below.
In the case of osteochondrosis compresses are required, multiple effects have the same: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant. Permitted and in the acute period of the disease, duration of treatment 2 weeks. Mention, in this time compresses with thermal effect are recommended, due to the fact that they do not impair the function of the cardiovascular System.
Camphor Ointment
Mix in a container three milliliters of camphor oil, ½ Cup of lukewarm water, one hundred milliliters of vodka and twenty drops of iodine. Mixing, the mixture is ready for you to wear on the gauze should, apply to the sore spot for three hours. Similar compress improves the blood circulation.
You tear the leaves of the fresh plant, rinse them under running water, pour in boiling water. After they have cooled slightly, place them on forty minutes on the area of inflammation. To reduce the pain the procedure is recommended daily.
Wrap horseradish and apples
And in leaf and roots of horseradish in the composition mustard oil has a warming effect. In the composition of the Apple-organic acids, which enable it to relieve pain and inflammation. To make a compress take a radish, an Apple, and a root of the sea, chop on a grater, mix with and remove the excess liquid. Put the mixture on a clean cloth and place on the sore spot on 4 hours. Relief after the first treatment.
Potatoes and honey
You peel a potato, grate it on a grater, in a ratio of 1:1 mix with honey. The finished Paste evenly in a thin layer on the painful area. For convenience, fasten the plastic wrap from the top and warm towel. Leave for a few hours.
How to get rid of the osteochondrosis at home with the help of the applications? You act on reflex zones and out improves the blood circulation, pain and inflammation.
Mylno-Kerosene Applications
Kerosene has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect. Moisten and wring out a clean cloth in it, from the outside, RUB the soap (this is to prevent the evaporation of kerosene). Turn on two hours on the painful area, fix the foil and towel. It only takes a few minutes, you feel a slight burn and the heat, but it is.
Honey with Aloe
Apitherapy is required diseases in the domestic treatment of degenerative intervertebral disc. You are mixing a hundred grams of vodka, one hundred grams of honey and fifty grams of ground leaves of the Aloe. You leave for five days in a dark place. The finished composition on a cloth, apply, and apply to the affected area twice a day.
Garlic Application
To get rid of the pain in a short period of time, you can RUB the toes is a simple recipe: five garlic on a grater, add the resulting mush to the affected area for five minutes. Garlic remove and gently massage the area of the horse hair or badger fat, cover with warm Dressing for a few hours.
Application of rye flour
Means to cope with rapidly from pain and inflammation. Knead stiff dough from rye flour and water, place the mass in a warm place for a couple of hours, you should sour smell. Fold the half of the gauze bandage, a thick layer of dough, all you apply to the painful area. Leave it overnight, Pre-woolen scarf covered.
Natural components of the contained applications, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, increase blood circulation to the problem areas.
Rubbing and ointments
The external agent will always be diseases used for the treatment of degenerative intervertebral disc, in contrast to pharmaceutical drugs, cooking them simply and not a great financial expense. Common components used in the recipes, there is a home for all: the internal grease, turpentine, medicinal plants. The process of attrition Massage reminded.
Especially effective are ointments, which, according to the following recipes:
- Ointment with lemon. Press the juice of a lemon, add stir the same amount of iodine. Similar attrition effect not only in osteoporosis, but also for joint problems
- Ointment with sage and plantain. Mix in fifty milliliters contained olive oil, forty grams of Vaseline and two tablespoons of crushed leaves of plantain and sage. Stir the mixture, light, massaging movements RUB go in the affected area before bedtime.
- Bay leaf and juniper. Chopped junipers mix with 6 teaspoons of crushed Bay leaves, add a hundred grams of melted Butter. The ointment should be homogeneous, RUB them into the affected area twice a day.
Regular application of the ointment provides a good result in the treatment.
Tinctures and decoctions
Think about how to heal bone use at home quickly, the patient suspect the use of the funds inside. They are very pain efficiently, quickly cut off, reduce the severity of the inflammation, improve the metabolism, thus contributing to the faster recovery.
Tincture of cinquefoil from
The medication differs a pronounced analgesic effect. Prepare a tincture is simple: two hundred grams of crushed plants, they mix with one hundred grams of galangal root, fill a Liter of vodka and leave it for two weeks. Drug is filtered, you take three times a day a tablespoon. The duration of the treatment for a month.
Cranberry Tincture
To be effective, the tincture of cranberries, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. A Cup of hot water pour a spoonful of lingonberry leaves, insist 10 minutes. You can drink the medicine to ½ Cup before meals in the morning and in the evening.
A soothing tea
It is a good remedy against the tension in the muscles and tension in the nerve ends. A Liter of boiling water pour a spoon of yarrow, two tablespoons of mint, licorice root and calendula flower. Pre-tea infundiert12 hours. A filtered solution of 1/3 Cup will be accepted three times a day.
Medical Spas
Herbs, in tubs, for the improvement of metabolism, the relaxation of the skeletal muscles, improving the disci structures.
For its preparation is recommended:
- To make a Liter of boiling water to brew birch leaves, for 15 minutes. You enter into the bath water, pour the solution, take it 20 minutes.
- Kupirovat pain syndrome helps horse chestnut. You crush it, pour a Liter of water, simmer for twenty minutes on low heat. You take a bath with a filtered solution of twenty minutes.
- With boiling water, needles, and keep you half an hour under the lid, then add the broth into received bathroom.
- Three tablespoons of chamomile flowers pour a Liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Strain, pour into the tub and take 20 minutes.
You take a bath, it is recommended that before you go to sleep, if you rush not going anywhere and you can relax.
Use the Massage
During the Massage, the impact on the muscles and the spine arises. In the classical technique the liquid used with honey. Lightly heat it, wear it on the inflamed area. You turn the palm of your hand, and slowly tear, and so long to you have on Hand a white Board. Quite a few treatments for the relief of pain.
At home, you can do self-massage, movement from top to bottom. Even the spine is massaged is not recommended. Each page take about five minutes.
How back pain can be treated with the help of the exercises? Gymnastics warns to use the further destruction of bone and cartilage, improves mobility of the spine, accelerates the regeneration processes.
In the case of osteochondrosis attention to the need for the following exercises:
- You lay on your back, place the right Hand on the abdomen, the left on the chest of drawers. Slowly inhale and exhale. Enough of the five-minute exercises in the morning and in the evening.
- You will lie on your stomach, legs extended. The head together with the upper part of the breast lifting, the feet Rest in the floor, stay in this Position for twenty seconds. Repeat the exercise up to 5 times a day each time after five minutes.
- You lay on your back, legs are bent, feet pressed into the soil, the back is straight. Follow the twists and turns, first to the left side, then on the right side.
Exercises for the treatment of thoracic intervertebral disc degeneration other:
- You will lie on your stomach, after you put the hands on the floor. Slowly bend back, then go about 15 seconds.
- You lay on your back, the climbing legs and the head, turns out the boat. They remain in Position for a few minutes.
The selection of autogenic Training should. the attending physician individually for each patient Taken into account the age of the patient, stage of the disease, the presence of comorbidities.
Proper nutrition
Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the destructive changes begin in the musculoskeletal system. For his treatment alone is not enough medicine and folk methods. In addition, it is important to eat right. Especially excluded are alcoholic beverages, coffee, cocoa, strong tea and soda. It is forbidden to spicy to eat, fat, flour, salted.
In the diet and more animal should get protein sources from milk products, low fat meat and fish. Particularly useful are gel-like products, the composition of collagen for cartilage and bone tissue.
In Remission, it is extremely important to the water budget, drink at least two liters of water a day. Do not forget about physical activity.
Orthopedic Treatment
The only time when our spine can relax and unwind – this is the night. And not to hurt them, is the sleeping place should be properly organized. In particular, the use of orthopedic products: pillows, mattresses, corsets, bandages recommended. Useful collar of a trench, it increases the height between the vertebrates, discs, relieving pain.
Pillows and mattresses are recommended to be purchased in specialist shops. In advance of you consult your doctor, he will help you determine the high cushion of the house, degree of hardness, the same is true for the mattress.
Russian Bath
For many, the treatment of degenerative disc disease is associated with something unpleasant. It seems that you will drink delicious herbal teas, medicines, unpleasant procedure. And only a few know that some of the sessions are nice and useful at the same time. What can be better than a hike in a hot Russian bath?
On rus in the Sauna at least went once a week. But to treat the disease, the number of walks can be increased.
Before the hike, you should have some rules:
- To reduce the pain in case of osteochondrosis in the Sauna at least three times per week. The hikes on a daily basis.
- During an acute attack, in the hot room is dangerous. Minor Heat.
- The relaxes muscle tissue, you do three steps after five minutes.
- After the sauna problem areas, bee honey, and a hedge lubricated something warm.
- On an empty stomach, after a hearty lunch, a steam room visit. In an hour you eat something light, drink for a half hour a glass of water.
- It is forbidden to bring spirits.
In the Sauna you will lose no time in vain. Helpful small pats are broom.
Hardware techniques
How can you cure back pain at home? In the pharmaceutical industry, constantly there are something new. And if, before the treatment at home is limited to the taking of medicines, but today there may be special devices. On the problem zones of the device's Vibration or impulse to act.
Improvement of the portability, forget the pain and discomfort that helps in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis. Do not ignore the advice of the doctors follow these recommendations, and then the osteochondrosis in the the situation, for a long time to forget.